Z - Jump

Left and right - Move

I want to share a mini fangame i made with gameboy studio that’s about Loona from Helluva Boss walking and jumping into the gluttony circle while she don’t touch anything suspicious if she don’t wants instantly be a "whale".

It’s the first game i made.

PlatformsHTML5, Windows, macOS, Linux, Android
Rated 4.0 out of 5 stars
(30 total ratings)
Made withAseprite, GB Studio
TagsFangame, fat, Furry, Game Boy, NSFW, Pixel Art, weight_gain
Average sessionA few seconds


Loona into the gluttony circle ROM + Artpack

Install instructions

To play the ROM you need a gameboy emulator. 

Development log


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Can you make where you can make Millie fat as possible

are you still cooking???

How do you unlock Millie

Great game I realy liked it. pleas make make more games as I would like to see how you would improve the game

Cuales son esos atajos de los que hablan?

Solo hay 1, al final del segundo nivel hay 2 caminos. el segundo es el atajo.

the game is awesome, would love to see more weight gain stages


Great game! Would love to see more character cameos in future iterations of the game, good luck man!

y cual es ese atajo?

tendra mas personajes el juego como Millie o Octavia?

Millie ya había sido agregada desde hace mucho, solamente es tomar el atajo como Loona y luego de completar eso, se te dará el jugar como Millie.

Are there still plans to update the game?


Hey I've worked on Gameboy Games myself (check my projects) and I'd love to help you out here if I can! LMK if you'd let me, this seems really fun and I can see the potential!

That's something really nice. Of course you can help me with stuff to improve the game with updates!

Sweet, do you have discord? For your first game this is super promising and I'd love to help you make this the best it can be! (My disc is phoenixadverdale)

Alright, i already send you a message.

how come when you die after the shortcut it brings you all the way back to the start?

so, are there multiple endings? and what are the qualifications for each one?

There are just 3.

1- Loona's ending: End the game without taking the shortcut.

2- Bad ending: Take the shortcut.

3- Millie's mode: complete the game post-shortcut. 

well i managed to get them all, but i had to use save states.

Deleted 209 days ago

honestly, it might have been better if damage taken was gradual in a sense, instead of a one hit instablob.

Good news, the game now have gradual damage instead of being instablob.

Hello again. I have a question. Are you working on the next update?I just want to know when it will be ready to play with new mechanics.

How do you access the verosika level ? I’ve re-visited all the levels both loona and Millie and I can’t seem to find it

With Verosika's room, just take the shortcut with Millie in level 2.


I would like to know how Verosika got there xD


Dark souls of platformers 10/10

(1 edit)

Hello everyone. This is my first message. so I'll say something. I really liked the game, the idea is good.  I hope you don't stop updating this game. What else I wanted to write ...and yes.

Will there be an xp system in the next update? What another person asked in the comments, I agree with him. I would like to see that I do not die from touch, but only add weight.

(I redid my message. Because it's probably terrible.)

the lifebar... that's something i really need to know how to code in GB Studio to make it a reality. 

And that's why i until now i just put a chubby Loona in the shortcut.

I seriously need to see the lifebar stuff if i want to make more game boy videogames. 

And besides that, i'm open for suggestions to giving a bigger updates for this game.

the shortcut has the wrong ending and starts you at the first level, but other then that this is fantastic!

you mean that after the Loona shortcut, you're sended to the last level with a chubby Loona design but when you're dead, you get the first game over? that was intentional. 

ah okay sorry for the misunderstanding 

How do you access the shortcut?

at the end of level 2, just take the lower platform and that's all. 

Ok thanks! I really enjoy this game!

Also, what's Millie mode? I saw people talking about it

It's a hard mode with Millie as protagonist. 

the additon of a secound loop was nice but i noticed a few design flaws. the waterfall hazard is annother gotcha as it has no indicator to where it is untill it appears... often right over top the player. the new level at the blob cave area relies on way too much leep of faith for its challenge making any deaths there feel cheap... the additon of the ghost in millie mode makes it feel almost spitefull. also loved the sprite change on the shortcut.

Thank you for the feedback, so, i fixed those design flaws, specially the beerfalls part and the position for level 4. And also now i added a special guest :)


This game is not bad out of what I played, but i think it needs work from a user perspective. For example: i love the idea for it but the game over screen from being fat takes too long to leave for anyone trying to actually win.  I suggest changing the fade time. 

I'm another person who would want collision to not be instant death, but base GB Studio isn't very helpful with that so i can understand loll

About the game over... people told me that the game overs takes so few time to be appreciated and now i see it, i guess it's a balance. 

And about the collision. Yeah, i didn't know how to don't make it an instant death. I only need some GB studio's tips to add that, just only that.


You could probably make a variable for when the wg animation starts, and then make it so when it's a certain number the player can just tap A/B/ect. to get through it faster. If they don't press it at all then the animation finishes its whole time.

The collision thing is very tough, IIRC the best answer without any plugins is to make the enemy actor change a variable you have for hp on touch, and then immediately after deactivate the actor

so the castlevania system sorta?

I'm... not sure what you're referring to? I'm either missing something or haven't played the castlevania game you're talking about

(1 edit)

err castlevania legends? edit im refering to how they handle health. how its basicly a number that counts down.


as far as gb studio goes there is a reddit... but its currently blacked out due to protest figures eh? however on youtube there is a bloke called Robert Doman who does a buncha tutorials... some of them are old but might still work if not might be able to ask them directly on how to do something. hope some of this was helpful.


Turns out Backspace is rewind.

It saved my ass a few times so might as well let anyone else who is stuck know.

(1 edit)

That's...very interesting.

I can say at least it helped, because the shortcut takes you back to the beginning if you fail when I just want to see what the extra content was.

It's not working for me sadly, the game isn't starting up.


i see you need to click on the screen first to make the game works for some reason. 

after the starting from the stage start was added the game became a lot more enjoyable loved the new game over screens... err are they supposed to  go by that fast? also not sure if this was left in but you can run with x. good luck with further refinements hope this will turn into something you like.

Something glitched on me and Alt became the jump button while Loona kept moving to the left on her own.

Also I think the one hit instant fattening to game over is a little too much. Nice in terms of looks, but it might be more playable if each touch only adds some weight and leads to a game over if you touch too many fattening objects/enemies.

Otherwise looks great and hope you keep refining it.  :-)

Yeah, many people said about wg as stages instead of instakill but i really had a problem with making enemies not instakill me. I'm a noob with coding. 

how to skip the sign cutscene

just jump over the sign and boom your good

also 9.2/10 because i can't beat the game.....

(2 edits)

wow, this game while nice graphics wise and control needs a bit of tlc on the difficulty. the main problem is no safty systems like hp.  some of the foes are in real mean places such as twords the top of the "screen" which acts as a wall bouncing the player back down on top of an instant death hazard a perfect example of this is in stage one where to progress you have to basicly do a pixel perfect jump to avoid hitting  the flying hazard after the staionary one, its not impossable but with no safty nets like an hp system or a way to elemenate foes its very cruel design thats going to scare off a lot of potental players... just a sugestion you already got various fat sprites why not make those the hp system rather then an instant failure if the limitations your working with allow it each hit degrading the player until the last one is game over could be a nice mechanic and could make otherwise easy jumps a challenge.

gonna edit this as i go.

level 2's gotcha sign is a very sour joke given it sends you back to stage 1

stage three has annother gotcha with a sign... i think im going to come back in a few days after ive cooled down. if your trying to do difficulty this is whats refered to as artifical difficulty. no one liked it unless you were running the arcade cabbient.

I changed some enemy places to make it easier and about returnint to stage 1, now that isn't a problem since now after you died, you just return to the level you died, and every level have their own game over screen. 

I apologies for making the game so hard in an artificial way. It's my first game but i'm open for changes. 

its fine, sorry i tend to come off as an asshole thru text... as for your first game... thats also why i tried to go into a non exaustive list of things i found while playing. people rarely get things correct with a first draft... however some people hit gold. i will say the controls and graphics are still rather well done they copy the gameboy style well. it i had to compaire it reminds me of the gameboy mario.

Adding checkpoints really eased most of the frustration out of losing, thanks a bunch for adding them! 

That platform with the burger on it in stage 1 was insanely tricky to get over and made for roughly 90% of  my deaths, I'm glad it was re-worked. Stage 2 has some weirdness with the enemies you can't really see until you jump, but it's not really a big deal since the stage is short and you don't start all the way over anymore. And, of course, the new art is a very nice addition too.

Very nice touches and lots of improvement since the release. IMO the biggest improvement at this point would be making it into a full game  : )

Yeah, the checkpoints are a good excuse to add more Loona fat art and to solve the frustation problem. 

And about making a full game... well, with the same mechanics i just need to think new ideas to each scenario and their game overs and trying to be better at coding in GB Studio to add more mechanics. 

I'm all ears to hear new ideas to add to the gluttony circle. 


Stuck on "Welcome to" tried various keys to continue. still stuck. bye forever.

Very cool! What are your future plans for this project?

Well, making updates to make it better since it's my first videogame i made. 

Fixing and adding new stuff with the gameboy software limitations. 

I just noticed that some enemies will straight up treat Loona like a wall if she stands still, and she wont get "hit" as well.

(2 edits) (+2)

way to hard I cannot even beat the first level.
For now the intro sign needs to stop auto triggering upon touch.
  THEN after that being 1 shot........?  once the game becomes a bit more fair perhaps i'll try again later. for 1 shots on a fetish game platformer seems a bit unnecessary. (not fun)
The one bug  or whatever enemy that flies around when you must commit the belly jump. (delete that) its impossible without sheer luck and ive  done it ONCE. (even after timing it with the other bug)
its next to impossible to jump or time things as the character movement feels like im on ice when moving forward but feels like concrete when moving backwards. 
The enemies and instant kill you terrain are TOO CLOSE TOGETHER so micromanaging movement on a character that feels like brick on roller-skates is very frustrating and after nearly an hour and only  getting past the belly jump once just to instant die to a bug and standard running enemy unable to react cause it just popped onto the screen to fast.
either i have a skill issue or the game just is not fair at the moment. 
art is great though VERY excited to see more fat loona


Stupidly hard and it's annoying having to watch the intro after every death. Nice fat Loona art though :thumbsup:


About being hard, i believed it actually would be pretty easy since i'm not an expert with platafforms as a player.

And yeah, i should change the intro stuff, i'm sorry for that. 

And thanks for liking my fat loona art! 


It's pretty rough but it shows promise!